The last 2 days on the ship have been spectacular. Sunny clear skies and glassy seas. We all dug out our sunglasses, Chef Billy fired up the BBQ, some crew put lawn chairs on the top deck, and we all would rush out to look at seals came over to check out the boat. All of which were unthinkable in the cold rain, wind and swells earlier on the trip.
Underwater the forests were still and full of light. Amazing last dives, we all stayed down as long as we could taking pcitures. But the water is getting colder as we near sea ice. It is now a balmy 0 - 1 degrees. My drysuit leaked on a dive and filled with water to my waist. Yelp! That was unpleasant! Luckily James brought his steaming 'warm drink' concoction (some delicious mix of coffee and chocolate). That and some jumping jacks did the trick on the surface.
After our last dive outside of Naujaat we drove north for a few km in the zodiac and crossed the Arctic circle. As we got near we actually had butterflies, James yelled out a countdown and we all jumped into a giant laughing group hug when we reached it. That's the leg complete! Whew what a ride.